Learn Photoshop for Photographers ...

Learn Photoshop for Photographers ...
This course aims to teach you all the tools Photoshop has for photographers. Photoshop is a big program and has tools for photographers, designers, 2d artists, concept artists and so on. There are a series of tools that can be used to enhance your images.
Here are the topics covered in this course:
- Configuring the Workspace in Photoshop
- Layers
- Layer Styles
- Aligning Layers and Snaping Mode
- Blending Modes
- Masking
- Move Tool and Selections
- Crop Tool
- Brush Tool and Gradient Tool
- Clone Tool - Spot Healing Brush Tool - Erase Tool
- Dodge and Burn Tools
- Text Tool
- Adjustment Layers - Brightness and Contrast and Curves
- Adjustment Layers - Gradient and Solid Color
- Adjustment Layers - Vibrance - Hue and Saturation - Black and White
- Adjustment Layers - Color Balance - Photo Filter - Color Lookup - Gradient Map
- Filters - Blur - Sharpening - Lens Flare and Liquify
- Smart Objects
- Actions
- Free Transform - Distort - Perspective Warp
- Panoramas
- Camera RAW Plugin
- Exercise 1
- Exercise 2
- Exercise 3
- Exercise 4
- Exercise 5

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