MacPublished by : LeeAndro | Date : 18-01-2021 | Views : 43
Sound Grinder Pro 3.0.4 macOS
Sound Grinder Pro 3.0.4 macOS
File size: 18.28 MB

Backed by the power of Sound Grinder, Sound Grinder Pro is the Studio Monkey's secret weapon.

Not only does Sound Grinder Pro make quick work of batch processing, but also does nifty tricks like editing waveforms, extracting audio regions and Portion Control without leaving the application.
Oh, and this Pro also batch processes with the AU and VST plugins...clever little monkey.

Support for 64-bit

List view audio overview

New Watermark plug-in

Compatibility with MacOS 10.10 or greater

Additional performance and stability enhancements

Tackle your conversion operations with ease and excellent stability. Need to convert an entire hard drive into a new format keeping the entire folder hierarchy? That is no problem for Sound Grinder Pro! Even simple repetitive tasks are simplified with the use of Droplets. Create a preset, save it as a Droplet, and now, with a simple drag-n-drop, you can repeat the same process over and over again. Imagine being able to convert and upload to a server with a single step.

Keep your audio assets sounding great after bit-conversion using the musical and low-noise POW-r dithering algorithm. Now available in Sound Grinder Pro and Library Monkey Pro, choose from three types of algorithms to meet your conversion needs.

Export user-defined portions of a file in a single batch process. Take sections of audio from the bning, end or anywhere in-between, and apply fades based on type and duration. You can even perform an auto region and export the new regions in a single pass complete with custom naming. If you have ever needed to create demos of your work or export countless regions and loops, Portion Control is the feature you have been dreaming of.

Batch-process your audio files through your favorite AU, VST and Monkey Tools plug-ins including the new Watermark plugin. Create a custom pipeline, preview your results before processing and create presets or Droplets to process your files with simple drag-n-drop.

Todays content producer needs the ability to edit metadata data quickly and in large batches. To meet that need, we have included several powerful metadata tools including: Setting specific tags to be applied to all assets on export, mapping of metadata from one tag to another, importing and viewing of MPEG 4 and ID3 artwork, and batch import using a CSV file.

With its efficient design, you will quickly find your way around the editor, saving in your editing tasks. Work with fades, loops and markers with an intuitive interface. Edit multi-channel audio and customize the editing environment to your liking. Use the unique waveform overview to quickly navigate the audio and locate edits. Create and name regions for easy separation and exporting. Perform actions such as Normalize, Auto-Region, Auto-Trim, Apply Plugins, Change Sample Rate and much more.

Quickly search and spot your assets to Pro Tools or Logic Audio using the integrated spotting features. Import and select your assets and send them to your DAW software with a simple click. We take it one step further by providing conversion options during the spot to ensure that the assets match your session settings.

64-bit processing

Sophisticated processing ee for speed and stability

One window design

Customizable list view

Resizable control section

Rapid Convert providing in-Finder file conversion

Unattended processing mode

Customer Feedback System

Multiple error logging levels

Unicode support


Comprehensive conversion ee

Droplets for drag-n-drop processing

Portion Control for unparalleled export options

Spotting to Pro Tools and Logic Audio

AU and VST plug-in support

Monkey Tools plug-in support

Multi-channel file support

RMS and Peak normalizing

Advanced naming options

User presets

"Retain Folder Structure" option

Naming options for Pro Tools compatibility with split audio files

Pull-up/pull-down sample rates

Custom sample rates

31 character name limit support

Mutli-channel editing

Movie Preview while editing

Waveform overview with advanced selection options

Sample-level editing

Resizable channel waveform view

Support for fades/loops/markers/regions


Auto-regioning with naming

Region exporting

Comprehensive edit actions

Metadata batch-processing

Import metadata via CSV file

Copy metadata from selection

Support for Finder/Spotlight comments

Support for ID3 tags, Vorbis Comments, FLAC Comments, and MPEG user data

Support for importing and viewing MPEG 4 and ID3 Artwork

All metadata viewable in the list view

Preview process settings

Full playback control including scrubbing

Playback slider with scrubbing

Volume control slider with mute

Loop playback

64-bit processor

OS X 10.10 or later




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