For DesignerPublished by : voska89 | Date : 24-12-2021 | Views : 22
Intel OneApi Toolkits 2022.1 (x64)
Intel OneApi Toolkits 2022.1 (x64)

Intel OneApi Toolkits 2022.1 | 10.6 Gb

Product:Intel OneApi Toolkits
Version:2022.1 *
Supported Architectures:x64
Website Home Page :

Languages Supported:english
System Requirements:PC / macOs / linux **
Size:10.6 Gb

The oneAPI Toolkits development team is pleased to announce the availability of Intel oneAPI Base & HPC Toolkit 2022.1 is a comprehensive suite of development tools that make it fast and easy to build modern code that gets every last ounce of performance out of the newest Intel processors in high-performance computing (HPC) platforms.

Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit 2022.1 Release Notes
Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit supports direct programming and API programming, and delivers a unified language and libraries that offer full native code support across a range of hardware including Intel and compatible processors, Intel Processor Graphics Gen9, Gen11, Intel Iris Xe MAX graphics, and Intel Arria 10 or Intel Stratix 10 SX FPGAs. It offers direct programming model as well as API-based programming model, and it also contains analysis & debug tools for development and performance tuning.

New in 2022.1.1 Product Release for Linux only
- Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit 2022.1.1 for Linux has been updated to use Log4j version 2.16 and may not include the latest functional and security updates. Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit 2022.1.2 is targeted to be released in January 2022 and will include additional functional and/or security updates. Customers should update to the latest version as it becomes available.

New in 2022.1 Product Release

Key Features at toolkit level
- Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler includes new SYCL 2020 features,new openMP 5.x features, and new platform optimizations for recently released and upcoming Intel Xeon Scalable Processors.
- ​Intel VTune Profiler introduces support for Intel microarchitecture code named Alder Lake in Microarchitecture Exploration and Memory Access analyses.
- Intel oneAPI Deep Neural Networks Library now allows you to seamlessly take advantage of new Intel Advanced Matrix Extensions (Intel AMX) instructions in future Intel Xeon Scalable Processors for int8 inference and bfloat16 training AI workloads.
- 32-bit Intel Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel IPP) and 32-bit Inte oneAPI Math Kernel Library (oneMKL) on Windows OS are provided separately as part of Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit 32-bit package. It can be downloaded here as an add-on that requires Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit to be installed first.
- Added support for Microsoft Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL2) on CPU and for limited components on GPU. For more information on usage, refer to Use Intel oneAPI Toolkits on Microsoft Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL 2).
Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler 2022.0
- The Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler adds new SYCL 2020 features and extensions, and expands its OpenMP 5.x support.
- New platform optimizations for recently released and upcoming Intel® Processors.
- Added support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2022.
Intel oneAPI DPC++ Library (oneDPL) 2021.6
- Intel oneAPI DPC++ Library adds serial versions of the following algorithms: for_each_n, copy, copy_backward, copy_if, copy_n, is_permutation, fill, fill_n, move and move_backward, allowing developers to invoke thes functions directly in SYCL device code:. For details see Tested Standard C++ API References.
- This release adds the ability to use OpenMP for thread-level parallelism. Algorithms launched with dpl::execution::par/par_unseq policies can run on top of OpenMP parallel regions, as an alternative to oneTBB or serial execution. This allows developers who already use OpenMP on multicore CPUs to also use oneDPL high-level parallel algorithms in their codes, without introducing extra dependencies and performance risks
Intel DPC++ Compatibility Tool 2022.0
- Migration is improved for CUB, CUDA Driver, and CUDA properties API migration
- Introduced new capability to automatically generate makefiles for newly migrated DPC++ source files
Intel oneAPI Math Kernel Library (oneMKL) 2022.0
- The new oneMKL support for BLAS & LAPACK LP64/ILP64 allows users to use both 32-bit integer interfaces and 64-bit integer interfaces in the same application.
- Added new support for FFT MKL_Verbose, Sparse matrix multiply for scientific computing.
- Intel oneAPI Math Kernel Library optimizations for Intel Xeon and Xe architechtures.
Intel oneAPI Threading Building Blocks (oneTBB) 2021.5
- Added support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 and Python 3.9.
- Intel oneAPI Threading Building Blocks improved its synchronization mechanism to reduce contention when multiple task_arena's are used concurrently, allowing for task_arena's to be more independent and more task_arena's to execute simultaneously/concurrently without performance impact.
Intel Distribution for GDB 2021.5
- Added support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2022.
- Automatically detect and alert developers of a debugger version mismatch between host and target system for Intel Distribution of GDB in Microsoft Visual Studio*.
- Improved GPU debugging experience by adding a new secure server connection mechanism for Intel Distribution for GDB.
Intel Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel IPP) 2021.5
- Added optimizations to Intel IPP Cryptography's AES-GCM (Advanced Encryption Standard - Galois Counter Mode) for smaller packets size for 3rd Generation Intel® Xeon® Processor Scalable (SPR).
- Intel Integrated Performance Primitives image processing added new functionality for CT & MR machine data types by adding the 6s (signed short) data type with 3D resizing.
Intel oneAPI Collective Communications Library (oneCCL) 2021.5
- Intel oneAPI Collective Communications Library adds productivity enhancements with new event tracking mechanism based on SYCL events and for addition of OFI/verbs provider with Linux dmabuf support directly from the package without needing to build it manually.
Intel oneAPI Data Analytics Library (oneDAL) 2021.5
- The new Intel Extension for Scikit-learn t-SNE (Stochastic Neighbor Embedding) features enhances the developer's ability to take big high-dimensional data and visualize it on a low dimensional (think 2d/3d) map.
- Introduced Intel oneAPI Data Analytics Library distributed support for DPC++ machine learning algorithms including decision forest, DBSCAN, K-means and covariance.
Intel oneAPI Deep Neural Networks Library (oneDNN) 2021.5
- Intel oneAPI Deep Neural Networks Library now allows you to seamlessly take advantage of new Intel AMX instructions in future Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processor for int8 inference and bfloat16 training AI workloads
Intel oneAPI Video Processing Library (oneVPL) 2021.7
- The Intel oneAPI Video Processing Library (oneVPL) now supports Python 3.7.
- In addition, new features include C++ and Python binding updates that add improved properties, support for AV1 encode temporal layer parameter extensions and an update to the sample tools
Intel Distribution for Python 2022.0
- Intel Distribution for Python now supports Python version 3.9
- The dpctl package offers developers increased debugging capabilities with improved error handing and reporting
- Data Parallel Python technology now provides zero copy data exchange performance across packages
Intel Advisor 2022.0
- Intel Advisor has been updated to include recent versions of 3rd party components, which include functional and security updates.
- Now provides actionable recommendations to optimize GPU General Purpose Register Files (GRF) and more comprehensive analysis with expanded GPU memory and compute metrics.
Intel VTune Profiler 2022.0
- Intel VTune Profiler introduces support for Intel microarchitecture code named Alder Lake in Microarchitecture Exploration and Memory Access analyses.
- Profile DirectX applications on the CPU host to identify the gaps between the API calls and the reasons causing such inefficiencies.
- Annotate your code and collect arbitrary statistics on FreeBSD OS with little to no overhead, using the Instrumentation and Tracing Technology API (ITT API).
Diagnostics Utility for Intel oneAPI Toolkits
- New supported operating systems:
RHEL 8.3
- Ability to update compatibility data base from an online storage.
- User experience improvements were done to reflect the user studies feedback.
- This utility's sources are available in open source.
- New implemented checks:
. The oneapi_env_check shows the version information of the oneAPI products installed in the environment.
. The dependencies_check verifies compatibility of oneAPI products versions and GPU drivers versions.
. The debugger_check verifies if the environment is ready to use Intel Distribution for GDB.
Visual Studio Code Extensions for Intel oneAPI Toolkits
- DevCloud Connector for Intel oneAPI Toolkits:
. Selection of the node with desired HW in settings with short description. Connection to this node.
. Error handling if selected node is unavailable.
. PBS job created by extension is now named as "vscode".
. Connection time reduced to 30 sec (from 45-50 sec).
- GDB with GPU Debug Support for Intel oneAPI Toolkits:
. Offline help page for Intel Distribution for GDB commands.
. Quick default debug configuration settings feature.
. Updates to address user experience issues.
- Environment Configurator for Intel oneAPI Toolkits:
. oneAPI environment initialization in Windows now works without administrator rights.
. Code Sample Browser for Intel oneAPI Toolkits.
. New command palette based method of browsing samples.
. UI/UX improvement - auto-create new folder for selected sample.
. UI/UX improvement - updates to settings reflected in real-time.
- Analysis Configurator for Intel oneAPI Toolkits:
. Code completion snippets & hovers for FPGA attributes.
. Added automatic detection where VTune and Advisor are installed.
Intel FPGA Add-On for oneAPI Base Toolkit 2022.1 (Optional)
- The OpenCL runtime environment (part of the DPC++ runtime for FPGAs) is now open-sourced.
- Added support for the Intel® custom platforms with Intel Quartus Prime software version 21.3.
- Intel FPGA Add-on for oneAPI Base Toolkit now supports "fast, flat BSP compile flow" allowing BSP creators to reduce their BSP size and complexity which leads to easier and quicker floor planning.

Intel oneAPI HPC Toolkit 2022.1 Release Notes

New in 2022.1.1 (Linux* only release)
- Intel oneAPI HPC Toolkit 2022.1.1 for Linux has been updated to use Log4j version 2.16 and may not include the latest functional and security updates. Intel oneAPI HPC Toolkit 2022.1.2 is targeted to be released in January 2022 and will include additional functional and/or security updates. Customers should update to the latest version as it becomes available.

New in 2022.1

Toolkit Level Updates
- Intel Fortran Compiler, based on LLVM technology, is now fully production-ready for CPUs and GPUs.
Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler 2022
- The Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler adds new SYCL 2020 features and extensions, and expands its OpenMP 5.x support.
- New platform optimizations for recently released and upcoming Intel Processors.
Intel C++ Compiler Classic 2021.5
- The Intel C++ Compiler Classic has been updated to include recent versions of 3rd party components, which include functional and security updates.
Intel Fortran Compiler 2022
- The new Intel Fortran Compiler, based on modern LLVM technology, released with support for Intel CPUs and GPUs.
- The Intel Fortran Compiler provides broad standards support with OpenMP 5.1 compute offload to GPUs, near complete support for Fortran 2003, and substantial support for Fortran 2008.
- New platform optimizations for recently released and upcoming Intel Processors.
Intel Fortran Compiler Classic 2021.5
- The Intel Fortran Compiler Classic has been updated to include recent versions of 3rd party components, which include functional and security updates.
Intel Cluster Checker 2022.1
- Find fabrics more quickly with new automation.
- Increased flexibility to see see execution warnings in the output log file.
- Check available default collection methods and set flags more quickly through command line options.
Intel MPI Library 2021.5
- Get faster results from your distributed memory applications running on Google Cloud (GCP) and Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Intel Inspector 2022.1
- Intel Inspector has been updated to include recent versions of 3rd party components, which include functional and security updates.

Visual Studio Code Extensions for Intel oneAPI Toolkits

DevCloud Connector for Intel oneAPI Toolkits:
- Selection of the node with desired HW in settings with short description. Connection to this node.
- Error handling if selected node is unavailable.
- PBS job created by extension is now named as "vscode".
- Connection time reduced to 30 sec (from 45-50 sec).
GDB with GPU Debug Support for Intel oneAPI Toolkits:
- Offline help page for Intel® Distribution for GDB commands.
- Quick default debug configuration settings feature.
- Updates to address user experience issues.
Environment Configurator for Intel oneAPI Toolkits:
- oneAPI environment initialization in Windows now works without administrator rights.
- Code Sample Browser for Intel oneAPI Toolkits.
- New command palette based method of browsing samples.
- UI/UX improvement - auto-create new folder for selected sample.
- UI/UX improvement - updates to settings reflected in real-time.
Analysis Configurator for Intel oneAPI Toolkits:
- Code completion snippets & hovers for FPGA attributes.
Diagnostics Utility for Intel oneAPI Toolkits
- New supported operating systems:
. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3
. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.3
- Ability to update compatibility data base from an online storage.
- User experience improvements were done to reflect the user studies feedback.
- This utility's sources are available in open source.
- New implemented checks:
. The oneapi_env_check shows the version information of the oneAPI products installed in the environment.
. The dependencies_check verifies compatibility of oneAPI products versions and GPU drivers versions.
. The debugger_check verifies if the environment is ready to use Intel® Distribution for GDB*.

Intel oneAPI productsdeliver the freedom to develop with a unified toolset and to deploy applications and solutions across CPU, GPU, and FPGA architectures. Native code toolkits implement oneAPI industry specifications and primarily focus on Data Parallel C++ (DPC++), C++, C and Fortran code development. Data science and AI toolkits support machine learning and deep learning developers who primarily use Python* and AI frameworks.

Intel oneAPI Base & HPC Toolkitis a comprehensive suite of development tools that make it fast and easy to build modern code that gets every last ounce of performance out of the newest Intel processors in high-performance computing (HPC) platforms. Intel oneAPI Base & HPC Toolkit simplifies creating code with the latest techniques in vectorization, multi-threading, multi-node, memory optimization, and accelerator offloading.

Intel oneAPI Base & HPC Toolkit helps developers, researchers, and data scientists confidently develop performant code quickly and correctly, and scale compute-intensive workloads that exploit cutting-edge features Intel CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, and HPC clusters. It includes industry-leading C++ and Fortran compilers, standards-driven OpenMP support, MPI library and benchmarks, and advanced analysis tools for design, MPI, cluster tuning, and cluster health checking to enhance uptime and productivity.

Intel oneAPI Base & HPC Toolkit includes all the Intel compilers (C / C ++, Fortran, DPC ++ etc.) and multiple platform support (Windows, Linux and Mac OSX) to give you more flexibility for the future.

Note:The tools that comprised Intel Parallel Studio XE and Intel System Studio are now integrated into Intel's next generation oneAPI products. The Intel oneAPI Toolkits are upward compatible supersets of the features in the previous studio products, so the studio products will no longer be offered to new customers.

Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit

What is the Intel oneAPI HPC Toolkit?

Intel is a world leader in computing innovation.The company designs and builds the essential technologies that serve as the foundation for the world's computing devices. As a leader in corporate responsibility and sustainability, Intel also manufactures the world's first commercially available "conflict-free" microprocessors.

Product:Intel OneApi Toolkits
Version:2022.1 *
Supported Architectures:x64
Website Home Page :

Languages Supported:english
System Requirements:PC / macOs / linux **
Size:10.6 Gb

Intel OneApi Base Toolkit 2022.1.0.116.exe
Intel OneApi HPC Toolkit 2022.1.0.93.exe

Intel OneApi Base Toolkit
Intel OneApi HPC Toolkit

Intel OneApi Base Toolkit 2022.1.0.92.dmg
Intel OneApi HPC Toolkit 2022.1.0.86.dmg

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