STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition V22 Update 4 x64 with Course
STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition V22 Update 4 x64 with Course

STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition V22 Update 4 x64 with Course | 17.7 GB

STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition V22 Update 4 x64 with Course | 17.7 GB
Bentley Systems Incorporated is pleased to announce the availability of STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition V22 Update 4. This version adds great new functionality to improve efficiency for engineers around the world and has resolved numerous issues that have been reported.
STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition V22 Update 4 - Release Notes.
(A) Analysis/Design Engine (53)
(B) Generic GUI Updates (16)
(C) Analytical Modelling Workflow (12)
(D) Physical Modelling Workflow (23)
(E) Other Modelling Workflows (1)
(F) Analysis Post Processing Workflow (5)
(G) Other Post Processing Design Workflows (5)
(H) Interoperability (1)
(I) The Editor, Viewer and Other Modules (11)
(J) OpenSTAAD (4)
(K) Documentation and Printing (25)
(L) Licensing / Security / Installation (3)
(A) Analysis/Design Engine (53)
A) 01 The processing of members defined with joist properties (i.e. used for load distribution but not for stiffness), has been updated to prevent the analysis from crashing when used in conjunction with floor loading
A) 02 All the ASME NF 3000 design codes have been updated to include an additional action to ensure that clause NF- 2 has been accounted for. This requires the yield stress for slender unstiffened elements (i.e. flanges) is reduced by 0.6*Qs. However, whilst this clause is already implemented, an additional function has been added to ensure that member buckling has been limited to 2/3 of the Euler Buckling Stress.
A) 03 The IS 1893(Part4):2015 code has been added to provide a static seismic and response spectrum options to the loading capabilities.
A) 04 The reporting of the optional CT parameter used to calculate the time period Ta with the Canadian seismic code NRC 2005 has been updated. Previously this was being converted based on the unit system, however the value of Ta is based on the height in feet. Note that when CT is supplied, Ta is determined using CT * hn^x where 'hn' is determined from the difference between max and min Y ordinates in the model and x is determined from the average Youngs modulus of the materials used in the structure. . If the average E is greater than 10000 KSI, CT assumes a value considering the structure as Steel Moment Resisting Frame. For E average less than 400 KSI it assumes the structure as Concrete Moment Resisting Frame. For E value in the range of 10000 KSI to 4000 KSI, it is assumed as all other structural system.
A) 05 The wind loading routine used to determine the loads on open structures has been updated to include for double channels, defined back to back or face to face.
A) 06 The output for a design of an angle profile to AISC 360-10 has been updated to report the member properties Sy and Sz correctly. Note that the design did use the properties correctly and the issue only relates to the value of these properties being printed.
A) 07 The routine that processes floor loading assigned to groups has been updated to better handle the calculated angles between the sides of the enclosed area to improve identifying enclosed regions.
A) 08 The data generated by a design on a member to AISC 360-16 has been extended to ensure that the design summary details are made available to the member query dialog for all TRACK option is specified.
A) 09 The AISC 360-16 design routine now reports the principal Design Strength data such that it is available in the GUI using the Member Query dialog under the Steel Design sheet.
A) 10 The processing of load combinations has been revised to improve the handling of nested combinations (i.e. combinations that refer to other combinations), especially when referencing a combination defined as an SRSS.
A) 11 The parsing of a FLOOR LOAD command has been updated to catch if the parameters GX/GY/GZ are defined out of order which would have previously casued the analysis to crash.
A) 12 The old AISI cold steel design module has been replaced with a new implementation of the 2016 version of the code.
A) 13 The snow loading routine has been updated to support the use of both I and IM as parameters to define the importance factor. Note that the GUI generates the parameter as I and as only IM was expected, any provided value would have been ignored.
A) 14 The processing of a column that is designed to IS 13920:2016 in checking the dimensions against the bar size in the beams has been updated to correct the dimension of the column being used for the appropriate beam.
A) 15 The FLOOR LOAD routine has been updated to handle the condition where model utilises multiple analysis commands and the model is CHANGED and members onto which the load is applied are made active/inactive.
A) 16 The design to ASCE 10-97 has been updated to make use of the supplied parameters NHL, NSF & DBL.
A) 17 The AISC 360-10 design routine has been updated to account for design groups that contain only some members which have been set to design to the AISC 341-10 seismic code and others not. Previously this would have caused the design routine to crash.
A) 18 The internal processing of the SET WARP command has been modified to ensure that when it is defined it correctly processes the assigned parameter of 0= No warping restraint and 1 = Full warping restraint. A value between 0 and 1 is taken as the proportion of warping restraint provided.
A) 19 The method for determining the application of member loads using the ONEWAY command and a TOWARDS option has been updated to ensure that the loading is applied as specified. In some cases, where the nodes occur in a clockwise sequence, the loading would not be applied correctly. This would be seen in the GUI display of the load and the values used in the analysis.
A) 20 The analysis of solid models has been improved to catch an issue regarding memory allocation that would occur on models containing only solid objects (i.e. no members of plates). The effect of the issue would be that the analysis would terminate and report there was NOT ENOUGH MEMORY OR COREM.
A) 21 The AISC 360-16 steel design report for unsymmetrical subject to flexure and axial force has been updated to ensure that the correct clause reference used in the design is output, i.e. H.2.1. Previously clause H.3.1 was being reported
A) 22 The AISC 360-16 design of tapered tubes has been updated to ensure that the slenderness check for tension is determined using the minimum radius of gyration on the member. Previously this was not set and would result in the member filing the design with an ratio = infinity.
A) 23 The AISC 360-10 design for single angles has been updated to address the minor axis moments used with the LTB calculation. The determination of the location of the part of the profile in compression due to the minor axis moment was being misinterpreted.
A) 24 The AISC 360-10 design for single angles has been updated for determining the shear area. The previous method underestimated the shear area as it was reducing the effective area by thickness of the perpendicular leg.
A) 25 The Indian concrete design to IS 13920-2016 has been updated to improve the warning messages when identifying members that exist at a common location but have not been designed and thus the adequacy of the overall joint cannot be verified.
A) 26 The Belgium National Annex to EN 1993-1-1 has been updated to NBN EN 1993-1-1 ANB : 2018
A) 27 The processing of the effective length factors SKY and SKZ used in the ACI 318-2011 and 2014 concrete design codes have been updated to operate correctly with the defined classification of sway provision using the SWY parameter.
A) 28 The PDELTA option CONVERGE has been removed from the application. The number of required iterations should be explicitly specified.
A) 29 The AIJ 2005 steel design routine has been updated to use the limit for slender sections defined in this code rather than the earlier 2002 code which would incorrectly cause some members being classified as slender.
A) 30 The AISC 360-16 design code has been modified such that the default value of the CB parameter is now taken as 1.0. If it is manually set as 0.0, then a value of Cb will be calculated based on the forces applied to the analytical member. Any other value will be taken as a prescribed value for Cb to be used in the design.
A) 31 The Indian steel design code IS 801 has been updated to address the design of members defined with a TRUSS specification. Previously the forces on these members were not being obtained correctly.
A) 32 The Eurocode steel design code EN1993-1-1 has been updated to catch wide flange members with unequal flanges that are classified as slender. These are currently outside the scope of the program and a warning note included in the output file.
A) 33 The torsion deign to DG9 used in the AISC 360/05 and AISC 360/10 codes has been updated in the method used to determine the resultant combined axial and bending stresses.
A) 34 The Japanese steel design to AIJ 2002 and 2005 has been updated to calculate the warping constant Iw for profiles defined in a UPT using the formula given in the AIJ code (other than those of type GENERAL where the value can be specified by the user and that will be used in the design).
A) 35 The design of channel sections defined in a UPT to AIJ 2002 and 2005 has addressed an issue in determining the minor axis modulus Zy.
A) 36 The design of Tee sections defined in a UPT to AIJ 2002 and 2005 has addressed an issue in determining the major axis modulus Zz.
A) 37 The analysis engine has been updated to provide a single consistent solver used by both the standard and advanced analysis runs. The solver will use the routines developed and previously used with the advanced analysis.
A) 38 The design of profiles to the AIJ 2005 code has been updated to include details of the rolling radius which has been added to the standard Japanese Sections database.
A) 39 The AIJ steel design output for the 2002 and 2005 codes has been updated when using a TRACK 2 such that it now includes details of the 'width to thickness ratio' for the flanges and web.
A) 40 The IS 800:2007 design of tapered I beams has been updated to better determine the section classification in each design load case.
A) 41 The serviceability checks reported by the AIJ 2002 or 2005 codes using the standard solver did not accurately calculate the member length and would report lengths that did not match those of the members. This was not an issue when the design was performed with results using the advanced solver.
A) 42 The Japanese steel design to AIJ 2002 and 2005 have been updated to include a von Mises and interaction check when a member is subject to bending alone. Previously, it would have required an axial force as well as bending to trigger the checks.
A) 43 The routine used in Japanese steel design AIJ 2005 and 2005 to determine the value P-lambda-b has been revised to account for when the minimum end moment is 0 which was previously resulting in the being reported as 'nan'.
A) 44 The IS 13920:2016 concrete design routine has been updated to ensure that the member supporting the end of a beam is column supporting from below and also made of the same material (e.g. not made of steel). In such cases a waring that clause 6.1.4 is not valid and thus not performed.
A) 45 The IS 456 concrete design has been updated to ensure that members with a large cross sections are designed following only the rules of IS456. Previously these members would have triggered clauses outside the scope of the code and resulted in the design to terminate.
A) 46 The design of single angles to AISC 360-16 have been updated to address an issue with the use of the CB parameter when used in the LTB calculation. This affects members in bending about their principal axes. If a user provided value less that 1.0 was entered, this value was not being used but an internal calculated value used instead. Note that the value calculated and used would be reported in the output if TRACK 2 was specified.
A) 47 The header displayed in the Analysis dialog has been updated to better reflect the license status and configuration used.
A) 48 The routine that parses the command file and in particular the JOB INFORMATION block has been updated to handle models associated with a CONNECT Project that includes a hyphen in the description. Typically this is taken as a line continuation character, but as it is not relevant within this context, it is not treated as such when processing this command.
A) 49 The Russian steel design for serviceability for SP 16.13330.2011 has been updated to check and report the maximum deflection, although this may be at a different location to that of the maximum design criteria.
A) 50 A new design module has been added to perform steel design to the Russian steel code SP 16.13330.2017.
A) 51 The Canadian steel design of Lateral Torsional Buckling to S16-14 has been updated to ensure that the calculation of Omega2 uses the maximum moment for each load case rather than the maximum for the collection of load cases in the design.
A) 52 The AIJ steel design routine that reports intermediate results that are reported has been updated to ensure that these are the values which are correctly used in the design.
A) 53 The IS 1893:2002 Response Spectrum calculations have been updated to remove a factor of 2/3 which was being applied to the design acceleration for each mode when being used to calculate the spectrum in the Y direction.
(B) Generic GUI Updates (16)
B) 01 New navigation action buttons have been added to the top right of the application to give quick access to the previous layout and when navigating backwards, an option to step forward to the next layout. A drop list of the recent layouts is also displayed to jump back a number of layouts in a single step.
B) 02 The Backup/Restore system added in the V22 Update 2 release has been enhanced with an option to select two backup models and compare the data to identify differences before choosing a model to restore.
B) 03 A new configuration option has been added that allows the range of workflows to be defined and thus simplify the application display.
B) 04 Creating a New model now includes the option to include the STAAD title which is then included as a header on each page of the output file.
B) 05 Launching the help from the backstage would crash if clicking multiple times on the Help Contents button. This multi-click action is now handled.
B) 06 A revised method has been implemented in the File>Open routine to address an issue that occurred with some users which prevented them from opening models.
B) 07 The Application Configuration of the Section Databases has been modified to operate in the same dialog as the rest of the Configuration. Previously this launched a separate dialog which could get caught behind the application and make it appear as though it had locked.
B) 08 A new feature has been added to the Open Page in the Start screen and Backstage that allows models listed in the recent file list that are not available as they have been moved or deleted, to be removed from the recent file list.
B) 09 A new Configuration option has been added to allow users who do not utilize CONNECT Projects and would prefer not to have the dialog displayed to assign the model to a project when opening a model.
B) 10 The command buttons in the View Ribbon that can be used to rotate the model about the 3 axes (in the clockwise and anti-clockwise directions), has been updated to allow a click and hold to act as a continuous rotation.
B) 11 The label for physical member id of an analytical member has been updated to include a prefix of M.
B) 12 The routine that assists users working with models hosted on a network drive has been updated to address an issue caused where the hosting server policy prevents applications pinging it to confirm its presence.
B) 13 The Save As operation has been updated to ensure that when utilised, the Auto Recovery file of the original model is removed to confirm it was closed correctly and thus not indicate that the application had crashed, which had not happened.
B) 14 The GUI has been updated to ensure that when the data is displayed in the Editor which is launched from the Post Processor (or any workflow which requires analysis results) and the model is modified which invalidates the results, then on closing the Editor and saving the changes, then the user is returned to the Analytical workflow to reinitiate the analysis to obtain new valid results.
B) 15 The procedure utilised when attempting to open a model has been updated to better handle base Windows functionality in the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). This update will assist in addressing issues some users experienced when attempting to utilise STAAD.Pro on a VM.
B) 16 The startup procedure of STAAD.Pro has been refactored to improve the performance by obtaining the content of the news service and CONNECT Advisor to occur in parallel rather than wait until all the content from these services has been returned.
(C) Analytical Modelling Workflow (12)
C) 01 The AISC ASD steel design parameter dialog definition of KY and KZ includes an option to calculate the effective length parameters based on the beam end conditions. This has been updated to account for the assignment of a beta angle which previously was not accounted for.
C) 02 The processing of inclined floor loading commands has been updated to improve the handling of any specified the FLOOR LOAD TOLERANCE values.
C) 03 The GUI actions in the loading dialog boxes has been updated to reintroduce a method that allowed easier addition of data in cells by using a tab to move to the next cell that was available in the earlier V8i GUI.
C) 04 The dialog box for specifying Geometric Non-Linear Analysis (GNL), has been updated to better handle editing the displacement limits and using a node pre-selected from the model.
C) 05 The routine that process the Parametric Model dialog has been updated to better handle the boundary condition type 'B-User Defined' to prevent a crash that could occur when set and the number of segments on a boundary was set to 0.
C) 06 The processing of a ONEWAY load using the TOWARDS option has been updated to process in the GUI as is done in the analysis engine.
C) 07 The methods used in processing the actions in the Specifications dialog have been updated to ensure that when assigning the action, it uses the cursor of the current command rather than the first instance found in the dialog.
C) 08 The loading dialog for specifying a Canadian NRC 2010 response spectrum has been updated to include the supported torsion parameters for Dynamic Eccentricity (DEC) and Accidental Eccentricity (ECC).
C) 09 The procedure of merging members has been updated to ensure that if any of the members are currently part of a connection design, then the connection will be deleted as they are no longer valid to the new member.
C) 10 The algorithm that is used to determine where the wind load panels occur on a selected range has been updated to improve catching situations which was causing some panels not to get identified (illustrated by blank spaces in the GUI).
C) 11 The processing of a time history definition that is using the spectrum definition has been updated to ensure that the defined parameters meet the following :- T1 must be greater than 0.0 and that T2 must be greater than T1 and that T3 must be greater than T2 and that TMAX must be greater than T3. Previously these were not validated and when run, the analysis would report an error and terminate.
C) 12 The Steel and Concrete Design dialog boxes have been updated to improve handling parameters with options that are displayed in a drop-list. Previously, when editing a parameter displayed in this method would save an index one different to the one selected in the dialog.
(D) Physical Modelling Workflow (23)
D) 01 A new method has been added to the physical modelling workflow that allows selected geometry to be moved along in the global or any defined axis system.
D) 02 Opening an STD file with an associated physical model has been improved by removing the message asking if it is wanted to open in the Physical workflow.
D) 03 The rendering of models with edge supports on surfaces has been updated to be consistent such that if the surface has not been selected, then the supports along the edge are also not displayed. This is then consistent with nodes that have been assigned supports.
D) 05 The scope of applying loads to panels has been extended such that it is now possible to assign loads to a defined panel in multiple load cases.
D) 06 The 3D rendering has been updated to assist in display of members without material and/or section property when selected or not. Previously all members without the material and/or section property would be coloured red , now only those selected are coloured.
D) 07 The routine used in the conversion of a variable pressure load to the analytical model load data on plates has been updated to ensure that where it is applied on multiple plates, the direction of the loading is maintained as per the physical model.
D) 08 The method used for retrieving the data of an IS 1893:2016 seismic definition has been updated to prevent modification of the data causing the application to terminate.
D) 09 The method by which supports are handled during a round trip from the analytical workflow has been revised to ensure that the defined supports are displayed.
D) 10 The feature to apply loading on panels previously defined as Area Load has been renamed as Panel Load to better reflect its function.
D) 11 The algorithm that is used to generate the analytical model from a physical model has been refined to improve the generation of structure and prevents the creation of nodes on surfaces that are very close to members and ultimately collapse members into singularities.
D) 12 The routine that converts the definition of diaphragms in the physical model to the analytical model has been updated to improve the resultant model. Three additional rules have been implemented. If all the nodes for a physical surface have the same diaphragm number, all the generated nodes in the surface will have the same diaphragm number. If two consecutive nodes in the physical surface boundary have the same diaphragm, only the nodes generated in the edge will have the same diaphragm number. And if a member or reference line have same diaphragm number on the start and end nodes, all generated nodes within will have same diaphragm number.
D) 13 The backstage information has been updated to ensure that it is updated with the current model data rather than the initial model loaded in a session.
D) 14 The icons and actions for interoperating with an ISM repository have been updated in the backstage to clarify the available options when a repository has and has not been identified .
D) 15 The conversion of a physical surface with node supports to the analytical model has been updated to address an issue which could occur when the node support included springs which failed to be created and reported as an error.
D) 16 The routine that converts the Reference Lines to the analytical data has been updated to handle models where the reference line is superimposed on a surface edge.
D) 17 The routine used to create floor diaphragms has been updated to ensure that each collection for a floor diaphragm is defined at the same vertical ordinate. A warning is reported during the analytical model creation if nodes in a diaphragm are defined at different heights.
D) 18 The localisation of the Physical Model GUI has been improved by providing a mechanism for handling combined Latin and non-Latin characters.
D) 19 The GUI of the Physical Model workflow has been updated to better support localised character sets.
D) 20 The procedure utilised by the Physical Model GUI to coordinate with the primary STAAD.Pro GUI has been updated to address an issue which could result in the primary application terminating.
D) 21 The material properties created in the Physical Model workflow using a Generic Concrete or Steel Material has been updated to ensure that the default values are reasonable.
D) 22 The material properties defined for eh Australian Concrete have been updated to prevent the application from terminating when processing the concrete strength fc.
D) 22 The method for defining supports on the edges of surfaces has been simplified by using the Reference Line which can be placed exactly in the locations where the surface requires support. Previously a complex method of picking the surface and then the nodes between which a surface required support was cumbersome and sometimes misinterpreted.
D) 23 The process that handles copying data to the clipboard has been updated to handle spreadsheet cells that were empty. Previously this would have caused the application to crash.
(E) Other Modelling Workflows (1)
E) 01 The Building Planner application launched by the Building Planner Workflow has been updated to remove the redundant features to connect to RCDC which have been replaced by the current workflow operation in STAAD.Pro itself.
(F) Analysis Post Processing Workflow (5)
F) 01 The context ribbons displayed when entitles are selected, such as the Node Tools and Beam Tools, have been refined to be workflow sensitive and in the Post Processing workflow display suitable post processing actions .
F) 02 The post processing of a Geometric Non-Linear analysis (GNL) has been updated to ensure that the Beam Force Table identifies the member based on its id rather than index. Additionally the option to 'Go To' a specific row has been activated on the GNL tables. and the 'Load Level v Section Force' graph has been simplified to improve the displayed information.
F) 03 The code used to determine the plate stress at a given location as used in the 'Results Along a Line' routine has been consolidated to improve consistency in the program.
F) 04 The data associated with an analysis of physical members that allows the results to be displayed in a Member Query dialog for the physical member has been reintroduced.
F) 05 The control to display a time history displacement at a specific time step has been updated to use a single slider control
(G) Other Post Processing Design Workflows (5)
G) 01 The Connection Tag module has been enhanced to improve the workflow with the Connection Design workflow. Each Connection tag can identify a Connection Template so that a full detail connection check can be performed. Note that using the Connection Design workflow requires use of a RAM Connection or Structural Enterprise license.
G) 02 The Steel AutoDrafter workflow has been updated to handle non US-English operating systems and in particular those that use a comma as the decimal separator.
G) 03 The Steel Connection Design workflow has been updated to ensure that when a member is defined using a Tee section from a US table of W, M or S shapes to represent a WT, MT or ST profile, this was not being processed correctly and resulted in the connection designs failing.
G) 04 The interop with the RCDC application has been updated to address a memory issue which for larger models with a large number of load cases could result in the application to crash.
G) 05 The Steel AutoDrafter workflow has been updated to support section profiles defined as prismatic, i.e. Solid Circle (defined with YD), Solid Rectangle (defined with YD and ZD), Tee (defined with TD, ZD, YB and ZB), Trapezoidal (defined with YD, ZD and ZB), General (displayed as a rectangular solid using the values of YD and ZD), Tapered I (displayed using the average dimensions of web and flange), Tapered Tube ( displayed using the average dimensions).
(H) Interoperability (1)
H) 01 The routines used in the Physical Model to interoperate with ISM have been refactored to simplify the processes used, although this should not affect any current interop that has been initiated with the previous version.
(I) The Editor, Viewer and Other Modules (11)
I) 01 The print settings for the Editor and Output Viewer have been updated to be more consistent with the options that each interface supports.
I) 02 The routine used when closing the Editor have been re-architected to address an issue reported by some users where they had occurrences of closing the Editor would cause the application to crash.
I) 03 The CONNECT Advisor is a module that is shared by multiple applications and indicates the parent application with the name displayed in the title bar. Thus STAAD.Pro has been added to the title bar of the instance of CONNECT Advisor used within the STAAD.Pro application.
I) 04 The Chinese steel database has been updated to correct the included properties of plastic section modulus Py and Pz and torsional modulus Ix for sections in the channel, H, I, pipe, tee and tube tables.
I) 05 The Chinese steel database has been updated to correct the names of a number of profiles that were incorrectly defined without the correct suffix of '.0'. These sections, if any of these profiles were assigned to a model in the last release of STAAD.Pro, then the section names should be updated with the correct name connection in the Editor as saving from the GUI will remove the definition entirely.
I) 06 The values of Torsional Constant 'C' of the profiles in the Chinese steel database > Pipe sections, have been updated.
I) 07 A test has been added to the import of a database such that the tables have been defined with primary keys.
I) 08 The management system used for the display of the file data in the Editor has been updated to better handle parsing when the Setting Outline Group' has been disabled. Previously with this option tuned off, parsing the file would cause the application to crash.
I) 09 The database of cold formed sections with lips have been updated and the processing of them modified such that values provided in the tables will be used rather than recalculated from the given dimensions.
I) 10 The first time running an upgraded version of STAAD.Pro CE V22 from a V21 version resulted in a default caused by the procedure copying the V21 databases which were hosted in the Program Data folder, to the User Profile folder as used with V22 implementation resulting in duplicate databases as the upgrade installation would add new databases. The procedure has been updated and will instead add any duplicate database is instead added to the User Profile backup folder.
I) 11 The processing of cold formed steel sections from the standard database has been updated to ensure that the section name can include a W character.
(J) OpenSTAAD (4)
J) 01 The function SetNodeCoordinate has been updated to ensure that the return value is returned correctly.
J) 02 The supplied macro 'Add Material' in the User Tools menu has been updated to ensure that the material is generated.
J) 03 The user tool macro to export the STAAD model to a SACS model has been updated to ensure a metric model is created with the correct units.
J) 04 The OpenSTAAD function GetModeFrequency has been updated to ensure that the function returns the mode of the supplied mode.
(K) Documentation and Printing (25)
K) 01 The Norwegian steel design code N-004 has been updated to clarify the units used in the output of the fiename_joint.txt
K) 02 The documentation for BS5950-2000 has been updated to clarify the method used for tapered I shape members
K) 03 The IS800:-1994 documentation has been updated to clarify the method used in the design for sections defined as double I sections.
K) 04 Verification Example 03 Beams>Beam02 has been updated to clarify the model being checked.
K) 05 Deprecation of the SIZE option of the AISC LRFD code.
K) 06 The design code documentation for IS 802-Part 2) 1992 has been updated to clarify the scope of the design checks that are performed.
K) 07 The documentation clarifies the limit of custom time history pairs to 499.
K) 08 Section TR.31.2 Definitions for Static Force Procedures for Seismic Analysis has been updated to identify data which is common to all versions of seismic loading such as weight data.
K) 09 Section D8.E.3 Design Parameters for IS 456 has been updated to clarify the use of the BRACE parameter with its use on column design.
K) 10 The sample model 26 Modelling A Rigid Diaphragm Using Master-Slave, includes clarification that the defined finite element shell elements(plates) are not to provide stiffness, just to distribute the floor loading in load case 3.
K) 11 The Australian steel design to the AS 4100 code topic D2.B.8 Design Parameters has been updated to include details on two missing parameters LX and TSP.
K) 12 The OpenSTAAD Troubleshooting topic OS. ActiveX Component in Microsoft Excel has been updated to correctly identify the location of a sample file included in the installation.
K) 13 The Static Seismic Definition has been updated to account for the newer supported IS1893 codes.
K) 14 Reintroduction of the documentation of the IS 802 design code in section D8.D. Indian Codes - Steel Design per IS 802 -1995
K) 15 The documentation for the ACI 318 codes 1999/2002/2005/2008/2011 has been updated to clarify that the default value of cover of plates designed with these codes is 0.75 in/19.05 mm. These can be modified with the CLT for the top surface and CLB for the bottom surface of the plate.
K) 16 The header on a User Report has been updated to display the licensed organisation in the field label 'License To:'
K) 17 The details of the TB parameter used in the Russian steel design SP 16.13330.2011 has been updated to clarify its purpose to specify the class of profile according to clause 4.2.7.
K) 18 The details of the ENVELOPE command have been updated to clarify that a load case should only be included in one load envelope. If it is included in multiple envelopes, then when used in a design, then that case or combination will only be included in the last envelope it has been specified in.
K) 19 The documentation for the Physical Model panel object and associated loading has been updated to reflect the new terminology which previously was referred to as Are Load.
K) 20 The details of the limitations of models has been updated in the Getting Started topic 'GS. Limits on Models '.
K) 21 The topic 'D. Available Design Codes' has been updated to ensure all the hyperlinks for the various available design codes point to the relevant topic in the help.
K) 22 The details of the scope for a Eurocode 3 EN 1993-1-1 has been clarified. The range of profiles that can be designed as class 4, slender includes only equal flanged wide flange as well as those described in topic 'D5.C.4 Section Classification'
K) 23 The Japanese AIJ steel design 2002 and 2005 parameter topics have been updated to include details of the SLF parameter for designing slender sections.
K) 24 The details of how the Russian steel parameters ENSGR and ENMAIN should be used with the SP 16.13330-2011 code has been updated in the topic D13.C.4 Design Parameters in Russian Codes - Steel Design Per SP 16.13330.2011.
K) 25 The feature added in STAAD.Pro V22 Update 2 to provide post processing support for multiple design checks (RR 22.02.00-4.2 Multiple Steel Design Results) has been updated to clarify that the scope is currently only for the AISC 360-16 designs
(L) Licensing / Security / Installation (3)
L) 01 The Chinese Steel Design module, part of the STAAD.Pro solution, is now included with the main STAAD.Pro installation.
L) 02 The RCDC installation included in the STAAD.Pro installation has been updated to
L) 03 The STAAD Foundation Advanced installation included in the STAAD.Pro installation has been updated to 9.3.
STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition is the most popular structural engineering software product for 3D model generation, analysis and multi-material design. It has an intuitive, user-friendly GUI, visualization tools, powerful analysis and design facilities and seamless integration to several other modeling and design software products. The software is fully compatible with supported Windows operating systems.
For static or dynamic analysis of bridges, containment structures, embedded structures (tunnels and culverts), pipe racks, steel, concrete, aluminum or timber buildings, transmission towers, stadiums or any other simple or complex structure, STAAD.Pro has been the choice of design professionals around the world for their specific analysis needs.
In this video you will learn how to create a new project in STAAD.Pro. Topics include specifying STAAD.Pro's configuration , how to create a new file and how to create model geometry using STAAD.Pro's Structure Wizard.
Bentley Systems, Incorporated. is the global leader dedicated to providing architects, engineers, constructors, and owner-operators with comprehensive architecture and engineering software solutions for sustaining infrastructure. Founded in 1984, Bentley has nearly 3,000 colleagues in more than 45 countries, $500 million in annual revenues, and, since 2001, has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions.
Product: STAAD.Pro
Version: CONNECT Edition V22 Update 4 (build with Course *
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :
Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Supported Operating Systems: *
Size: 17.7 Gb
- STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition V22 Update 4
- Udemy - The Complete STAAD.Pro Course For Structural Engineers (3 Parts)
The following hardware requirements are suggested minimums. Systems with increased capacity provide enhanced performance.
Processor Intel Pentium or AMD processor 3.0 GHz or greater.
Memory 1 GB minimum, 2 GB recommended (4GB for STAAD.Pro Advanced). More memory almost always improves performance, particularly when working with larger models. 4 GB (8 GB for STAAD.Pro Advancd) or more can help speed up solutions for very large complex models with large numbers of load cases.
Video Graphics card supported by OpenGL. See the graphics card manufacturer for latest information on graphics drivers. 256 MB of video RAM or higher is recommended. If insufficient video RAM or no graphics card supported by OpenGL can be found, the application will attempt to use software emulation. For optimal performance, graphics display color depth should be set to 24-bit or higher. When using a color depth setting of 16-bit, some inconsistencies will be noted.
Screen Resolution A minimum screen resolution of 1280x1024 is required, but higher is recommended.
Hard Disk Requirements will vary depending on the modules you are installing. A typical minimum is 500MB free space.
Supported Operating Systems
- Windows 10 (64-bit) - Home, Pro, Enterprise, and Education
- Windows 8.1 (64-bit) - Standard, Pro, and Enterprise
- Windows 7 SP1 (64-bit) - Home Basic, Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate
Note: Windows 7 operating system is supported only if you have its service pack (SP1) installed.
Note: You must have the following Microsoft updates installed on your machine:
- KB4340917 - For Windows 10 Version 1803 Builds prior to 10.0.17134.191. The changes in KB4340917 are built into the August 2018 monthly update of Windows 10.
- KB2999226 - For Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, and Windows Server 2012
- KB2999226 - For Windows 8.1 (64bit)
- KB2919355 - For Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012
Bentley does not support its software running on Microsoft operating systems versions that Microsoft has "retired".
Additional RAM, disk space, and video memory will enhance the performance of STAAD.Pro.
The minimum amount of physical + virtual memory required by the program is over 600MB. You may need to ensure that adequate amounts of virtual memory are available and that parameters such as paging file sizes should be large enough or span over multiple drives if the free space on any one drive runs low.
Another issue to keep in mind is the location of the TEMP parameter as in the SET TEMP environment variable in Windows. While performing calculations, depending on the structure size, the program may create very large scratch files which are placed in the folder location associated with the TEMP parameter. You may want to point the SET TEMP variable to a folder on a drive that has disk space sufficiently large to accommodate the requirements for large size structures.
You should have a basic familiarity with Microsoft Windows systems in order to use the software.

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