Chaos Group V-Ray Next, Update 2.1 build 4.20.02 for Rhino

Chaos Group V-Ray Next, Update 2.1 (build 4.20.02) for Rhino | 434.1 mb
Chaos Group is pleased to announce the availability of V-Ray Next, Update 2.1 (build 4.20.02) for Rhino, the first smart renderer made for designers. Tailored tools have expanded the core capabilities of Rhino and Grasshopper, linking photorealistic rendering, scene intelligence and asset management into a powerful new workflow that centralizes the design/visualization experience.
Workflow Improvements
- The quality slider presets are updated. The quality of the rendered image is now consistent between all the engines (CPU, CUDA and RTX) and sampler types (Progressive and Bucket)
- The quality slider presets count is increased to six. The new preset labels are 'Low', 'Low+', 'Medium', 'Medium+', 'High' and 'High+'. All provide better quality than their older counterparts.
- The Maximum Subdivisions Image Sampler parameter is now visible at all times (for GPU and also in progressive rendering mode). The value used for GPU rendering is always double the CPU one to ensure consistent quality
- The Embree related optimization parameters are automatically hidden when the GPU engine is selected. They have no effect in this case
- The Aperture (F-Number) slider limit is removed. Values from 56 up to 985 will result in Defocus slider values between 0.1 and 0.001 to be displayed
- Introduced a confirmation window when deleting or purging assets from the Asset Editor. Using the Shift + Delete keyboard keys removes selected assets without confirmation
- Added full support for the _RenderBlowup, _RenderWindow, _RenderInWindow and _RenderPeviewInWindow Rhino commands
- A new vrayRenderWindow command is implemented. It exposes three modes - Region, Cropped and Cropped Blowup. The vrayRenderBlowup command is removed - use vrayRenderWindow instead
- A Python script wrap module is implemented
- The quality slider presets of the V-Ray Renderer component are updated. The quality of the rendered image is now consistent between all the engines (CPU, CUDA and RTX) and sampler types (Progressive and Bucket)
- A new 'Render Animation in Rhino' function is added to the Render in Project component. It renders each Grasshopper animation frame state together with the Rhino scene. Object animations are fully supported
- The Material Preset component's Color parameter can now be textured with a V-Ray Bitmap
- An issue causing specific Grasshopper animations frame ranges to be sent incorrectly to the Rhino project is resolved
- Polysurface objects referenced in Grasshopper and rendered via the V-Ray Geometry component no longer have faulty UV texture coordinates
- A number of issues related to displacement rendering in Grasshopper are resolved
- Animation rendering, exporting animated proxies or scenes is now possible with a C# / Python script component
Other Changes & Bug Fixes
- Randomize Material ID Colors now works as expected
- The Multimatte Materials render element now works as expected
- Render regions can now be specified prior to any rendering
- A number of tooltips as well as some Grasshopper component descriptions are updated
- Decreasing the V-Ray interactive viewport (VPR) size with the vrayVPRSettings command no longer causes issues
- An issue with the appearance of Rhino materials rendered in V-Ray is resolved
- An issue caused by proxy mesh manipulations while the vrmesh file is on a network drive is resolved
- The precision and default range of the Camera / Effects / Vertical Lens Tilt slider are updated
- The default range of the Camera / Effects / Vignetting slider is decreased
Chaos Group has released V-Ray Next for Rhino, the latest update to the edition of the renderer for Robert McNeel & Associates' NURBS-based industrial modelling software. The update makes key features of the V-Ray Next architecture available to Rhino users, introduces new asset management tools, and extends support for Rhino's Grasshopper procedural modelling system.
- Performance boosts, plus new Scene Intelligence and asset-management features
The new features in V-Ray Next for Rhino follow a similar pattern to those from V-Ray Next for SketchUp, which shipped last month. That means the key features of the V-Ray Next architecture: better overall CPU and GPU render performance, plus new 'Scene Intelligence' features designed to simplify render set-up, including the Adaptive Dome Light and automatic exposure. The update also adds support for Nvidia's AI-based OptiX render denoising system, and makes the standard V-Ray material compatible with metalness PBR workflows used in game engines like UE4. Workflow improvements include a simplified rendering UI, and a new asset-management system.
- Improved support for Grasshopper, and support for scripting
Support for Grasshopper, the "algorithmic modelling" system introduced in Rhino 6, has also been extended. New features include the option to animate Grasshopper definitions, cameras and sunlight settings from the V-Ray timeline; and support for physical camera settings and V-Ray Next's lighting analysis render element within Grasshopper. In addition, V-Ray Next for Rhino introduces support for scripting via Python or RhinoScript, making it possible to automate common tasks or customise rendering functionality.
What's New in V-Ray Next, Update 2
Chaos Group is a worldwide leader in computer graphics technology, helping artists and designers create photoreal imagery and animation for design, television, and feature films. Chaos Group specializes in physically-based rendering and simulation software used daily by top design studios, architectural firms, advertising agencies, and visual effects companies around the globe. Today, the company's research and development in cloud rendering, material scanning, and virtual reality is shaping the future of creative storytelling and digital design. Founded in 1997, Chaos Group is privately owned with offices in Sofia, Los Angeles, Baltimore, Seoul, and Tokyo.
Product: Chaos Group V-Ray
Version: Next, Update 2.1 (build 4.20.02)
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :
Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Supported Operating Systems: *
Software Prerequisites: *
Size: 434.1 mb
Please make sure that your system fulfills these requirements before installing V-Ray. Note that V-Ray is only supported for 64-bit operating systems and 64-bit versions of Rhino.
V-Ray for Rhinoceros 5
Processor 1st Gen Intel Core or compatible processor with SSE4.2 support (x64).
RAM 4 GB RAM and 4 GB swap minimum - recommended 8 GB or more RAM, 8 GB or more swap file.
TCP/IP Only IPv4 is supported. IPv6 is currently not supported.
Operating System Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (64-bit versions only).
Rhino Rhino 5.14 or later (64-bit versions only). Supported GPU Maxwell-, Pascal-, Volta- and Turing-based NVIDIA card(s) with latest video driver or recommended version 411.31
V-Ray for Rhinoceros 6
Processor 1st Gen Intel Core or compatible processor with SSE4.2 support (x64).
RAM 4 GB RAM and 4 GB swap minimum - recommended 8 GB or more RAM, 8 GB or more swap file.
TCP/IP Only IPv4 is supported. IPv6 is currently not supported.
Operating System Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (64-bit versions only).
Rhino Rhino 6.18.19266 or later. Supported GPU Maxwell-, Pascal-, Volta- and Turing-based NVIDIA card(s) with latest video driver or recommended version 411.31

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