Systweak Disk Speedup v3.4.1.18061

Systweak Disk Speedup Multilingual | 5.5 Mb
In a perfect world, every file on your hard drive would be stored in one clump of data. In tech-talk, we say that each file would be stored on contiguous sectors on your drive. It's quick and easy for Windows to open a file that has been stored on contiguous sectors because the read-write heads have to move a tiny distance from sector to sector.
Over time, files become fragmented. As you install and uninstall software, and as you update and save files, they tend to be stored in chunks all over your hard drive. This causes two issues. First, it slows down your computer because the read-write heads are moving wildly each time you read or write a file. Second, it wears out your hard drive. Disk Speedup defragments the hard drives and arranges fragmented files sequentially. This solves both issues.
Easy to Use
Speeding up your system's performance has never been easier. Disk Speedup's intuitive interface makes it simple to safely defrag your hard drive. With a few simple clicks, you'll boost system performance and save wear and tear on your hard disk.
Safe and Secure
You can be confident that Disk Speedup will defragment your hard drive safely and securely. The software doesn't overwrite the old data until it checks that the new data has been written correctly. So you can pause or stop the defragmentation process at any time, with no danger to your data.
Fix Hard Disk Issues
Windows has a built-in defrag program. And if there are no issues on your hard drive, it can work quite nicely. By contrast, Disk Speedup has a built-in Disk Doctor that checks your drives and files for issues, and fixes them. Unlike Windows, Disk Speedup knows how to handle bad sectors on your hard drive.
Checks Hard Disk Health
Just as modern cars have built-in diagnostic capabilities, today's hard drives keep statistics on how much wear and tear they have experienced. Disk Speedup accesses this data and reports it in plain English.
Minimal Space Needed to Defrag
Using the defragmentation program that comes with Windows is easy if your hard drive has a lot of free space on it. As your hard drive becomes 75 or 80 percent full, however, the Windows utility becomes less and less capable of doing its work. Disk Speedup is designed for the real world. Many people don't start thinking about defragging their hard drive until it becomes full and sluggish. And that's where Disk Speedup shines.
Operating System: Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista and XP (both 32 bit and 64 bit)
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