SoftwarePublished by : Meera169 | Date : 2-03-2020 | Views : 143
Autodesk InfraWorks 2020.2 x64
Autodesk InfraWorks 2020.2 x64

Autodesk InfraWorks 2020.2 | 2.9 Gb


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Autodesk is pleased to announce the availability of InfraWorks 2020.2. This release includes new and updated features, performance enhancements, known issues and fixes.

What's New in Autodesk InfraWorks 2020.2 - Date: January 2020

Autodesk Connector for ArcGIS
- We've added the ability to select attributes when publishing InfraWorks features to ArcGIS Portals.
- We've added the ability to select attributes when exporting InfraWorks features to File GeoDatabase (FGDB) format.
- We've added support for coded values from ArcGIS to be brought into InfraWorks, and saved back to ArcGIS as well.
- We've added support for connecting to ArcGIS server layers in addition to ArcGIS Portal layers.
Civil Structures
- We've added the ability to use parametric bridge bearings from Autodesk Inventor in your InfraWorks civil structure projects. This allows users to control the geometry of bridge girder and pier interface with greater precision.
- We've added the ability to review bearing top elevation values in the Stack when a bearing is selected.
- We've enabled bookmarks from your InfraWorks models to be available in the Autodesk Viewer when models are published to BIM 360 Document Management.
Extended Schema
- We've improved the Extend Schema tool to enforce naming length limitations that could arise when InfraWorks data is published to ArcGIS as feature layers
We've made it easier for you to geo-reference your InfraWorks model data by improving the ways that you define coordinate systems for new models. With this release onward, new models will no longer have LL84 defined as the database coordinate system by default. Instead, choose the best coordinate system for your design project whenever you create a new model.
Model Builder
- We've enhanced the look and feel of the Model Builder user interface to match the entire InfraWorks application interface.
Roadway Design
We've added a new option for linear feature vertex prediction when reviewing linear features in the cross section view. By default, Vertex Prediction is now ON. When you modify a cross section vertex with Vertex Prediction ON, InfraWorks will automatically place the next vertex by estimating the best-fit for the next vertex, using the previous two vertices to make the prediction. Modifying a vertex with Vertex Prediction turned OFF will simply cause the next vertex to be created with duplicate values from the previous vertex.
Traffic Simulation
We've made enhancements for roundabouts, left and right turn widening lanes, and u-turns when using Traffic Simulation.

Autodesk InfraWorks is the geospatial and engineering BIM platform that enables parametric model-based planning and design of civil infrastructure in the context of the real-world. With InfraWorks users can more easily evaluate and convey design intent within the context of a project's surroundings; data can be aggregated from various sources and design decisions made earlier in the project lifecycle;~ then, the design model can be moved downstream to AutoCAD Civil 3D for detailed design and construction documentation with minimal loss of critical information - improving decision making, project stakeholder buy-in, and saving both time and money.

Users now have the ability to change GIS data in Infraworks 2020 and save back to ArcGIS online

Autodesk helps people imagine, design and create a better world. Everyone-from design professionals, engineers and architects to digital artists, students and hobbyists-uses Autodesk software to unlock their creativity and solve important challenges.

Product: Autodesk InfraWorks
Version: 2020.2.22.0 *
Supported Architectures: x64
Language: english
System Requirements: PC **
Supported Operating Systems: **
Size: 2.9 Gb

- Autodesk InfraWorks 2020.2.iso
- Inventor Infrastructure Modeler Plugin 2020.2
- Revit InfraWorks Updater 2020.3
System requirements for Autodesk InfraWorks

Operating System
Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit Enterprise or Pro
Windows 8.1 64-bit Professional or Enterprise
Windows 7 64-bit Professional, Ultimate, or Enterprise edition (SP1)
CPU Type Dual-core Intel Core2 or equivalent AMD processor (Quad-core Intel Core i7, 6-core Intel Xeon, or better processor highly recommended); to use the ray traced rendering functionality, CPU must support SSE 4.1
Memory 8 GB RAM minimum (16+ GB recommended)
Display Resolution 1,280 x 720 or greater (1,440 x 900+ recommended)
Display Card Any DirectX 10.1 capable graphics card with 2 GB (or more) graphics memory, supporting 8x Antialiasing (8x AA), such as NVIDIA Quadro 5000 or 6000 for desktops and NVIDIA Quadro 2000M or GeForce GT 650M for laptops; (Any DirectX 10.1 capable graphics card with 1 GB graphics memory supporting 2x antialiasing (2x AA) minimum)
Disk Space 16 GB
Pointing Device Microsoft-compliant mouse
Media DVD or download file
Browser Google Chrome (latest), or Firefox® (latest)
Internet Internet connection for full online help and learning materials accessibility and Autodesk® Cloud services

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