Blosm 2.7.13 for Blender

Blosm 2.7.13 for Blender | 3 MB
Blosm for Blender, formerly known as Blender-OSM. Import of Google 3D cities, OpenStreetMap, terrain. Global coverage.

Feature of the base version:
-The addon imports Google 3D cities as described here.
-The addon imports buildings from OpenStreetMap. Building height and number of floors are used to create the final scene. Composition into 3D parts for a building with the complex structure is also processed. A large number of roof shapes is supported. If a terrain is provided, buildings are placed on the terrain automatically.
-The addon downloads and imports real world terrain data with resolution about 30 meter.
-An option to apply geometry nodes to OSM footprints to get realistic 3D buildings (more information).
-The addon can import GPX-tracks and project them on the terrain.
-River, lakes, forests, vegetation are imported as polygons. If a terrain is provided, they are projected on the terrain.
-Imported roads, paths and railways have width. They are represented by Blender curves with a profile object. If a terrain is provided, roads are projected on the terrain.

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