The Samurai and the Cross - The Jesuit Enterprise in Early Modern Japan | 53.9 MB
English | 469 Pages
Title: The Samurai and the Cross
Author: M. Antoni J. Ucerler;
Year: 2022

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Title: The Making of the Modern Corporation; The Casa di San Giorgio and Its Legacy (1446–1720)
Author: Carlo Taviani
Year: 2022

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Author: Sergey N. Dorogovtsev and José F. F. Mendes
Year: 2022

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Author: Tomasz Lelek, Jon Skeet
Year: 2022

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Author: Stanley Burstein
Year: 2022

The Oxford Handbook of Computational Linguistics | 20.39 MB
English | 1377 Pages
Title: The Oxford Handbook of Computational Linguistics
Author: Unknown
Year: 1991

The 1940s - A Decade of Modern British Fiction | 2.14 MB
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Author: Language Guru
Year: 2020

The Grammar of Civil War - A Mexican Case Study, 1857–61 | 10.97 MB
English | 333 Pages
Title: The Grammar of Civil War
Author: Fowler, Will;
Year: 2022

The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE - Power, Strategies, and | 1.97 MB
English | 316 Pages
Title: The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE
Author: John Van Maaren
Year: 2022