File Size : 3.1 Mb
Grub2Win provides you with a boot manager that allows you to boot from various operating systems every single you power your computer on.

Lukas Resheske - Freelance Copywriting Course | 2.09 GB
I’ve gone from a complete newbie at copywriting to one of the most respected copywriters and trainers in just 7 years… and this is how I did it. The Freelancer Course is my exact strategies to getting High-End clients to actively reach out to YOU through social media and simple websites… rather than you chasing them or applying to jobs.

File size: 5.9 MB
Drive Snapshot creates an exact Disk Image of your system into a file, including the operating system, installed programs, your data and all security attributes - while windows is running and you continue to work.

File Size : 6.8 Mb
CustomFolder allows you to customize your Windows folders with different colors, icons, and emblems.

Rajiv Talreja - Marketing Mastery | 8.74 GB
Featured Courses
P.A.C.E (English)
P.A.C.E (English) - MBA September

File Size : 1.7 Mb
Program Edit is a reliable program that offers powerful source code editing functions, such as easy navigation or syntax highlight.

Rajiv Talreja - The PACE Program | 17.48 GB
Learn how you can build a business that can effectively and efficiently grow without you just by implementing the PACE system. In this 3-day program you will understand and learn the applied tools, strategies and systems that have given results to over 10000+ entrepreneurs already. This is truly the world’s simplest and most effective system to manage your business.