English | File size: 1.50 MB
Batch DOC TO PNG Converter is a Word to PNG, DOC/DOCX to PNG Batch Converter that can convert Word DOC/DOCX to PNG (Portable Network Graphics) easily. Batch DOC TO PNG Converter supports powerful search for a lot of files. A PNG publisher for Word.

English | File size: 1.55 MB
Batch DOC TO XLS Converter is a Word to Excel, DOC/DOCX to Excel Batch Converter that can convert Word DOC/DOCX to Excel easily. Batch DOC TO XLS Converter supports powerful search for a lot of files. A Excel convertor for Word.

English | File size: 1.89 MB
Batch PPT TO PDF Converter is a PowerPoint PPT/PPTX to PDF Batch Converter can convert PowerPoint PPT(X) to PDF (Portable Document Format) easily. Batch PPT TO PDF Converter supports powerful search for lots of files. A PDF publisher for PowerPoint. Batch PPT TO PDF Converter supports project and command line. Batch PPT TO PDF Converter has a friendly GUI so it is used very easily. Batch PPT TO PDF Converter Drag and Explorer Context supported.

English | File size: 1.38 MB
Batch File FTP Sync Uploader is an Incremental FTP Uploader/Synchronizer can upload/synchronize incremental files easily and speedily. Batch File FTP Sync Uploader upload modified files only to save your time to upload. A easy-use web publisher. Batch File FTP Sync Uploader supports project and command line. Batch File FTP Sync Uploader has a friendly GUI so used very easily. Batch File FTP Sync Uploader Drag supported.

English | File size: 1.33 MB
Windows Snapshot Grabber can capture window to get Title, Class, Font and etc., and Windows Snapshot Grabber can set window as Topmost, Enabled or Disabled, Show or Hide window, set Transparent, capture a window Snapshot or screenshots with menus. Windows Snapshot Grabber supports capture window snapshot or capture region screenshots. Windows Snapshot Grabber also supports delay snapshot with press and release Shift, it is real convenient.

English | File size: 1.77 MB
Batch DOCX TO HTML Converter is a DOCX to HTML Batch Converter that can convert Word DOCX to HTML easily without Microsoft Word installed. Batch DOCX TO HTML Converter supports powerful search for a lot of files. A HTML publisher for OOXml docx. Batch DOCX TO HTML Converter supports project and command line. Batch DOCX TO HTML Converter has a friendly GUI so it is used very easily. Batch DOCX TO HTML Converter Drag and Explorer Context supported.

English | File size: 2.26 MB
Batch HXS TO DOC Convertor is a software tool which was built specifically to aid people in transforming one or multiple HXSs to Microsoft Word documents, with a minimal amount of effort.

File size: 2.8 GB
PolyWorks (PW) is a multifunctional software manufactured by InnovMetricSoftwareInc., Used to process laser scanning dаta: reverse engineering, product geometry control, architecture tasks, deformation monitoring of the earth's surface and many others. The PolyWorks software package allows you to efficiently and quickly work with very large amounts of data. PolyWorks consists of several modules and has a wide range of tools that simplify and accelerate the work with data. It is important to note that the complex allows you to work with data obtained from three-dimensional scanners of all known brands.