File Size: 1.7 MB
BWMeter is a powerful bandwidth meter, monitor and traffic controller, which measures, displays and controls all traffic to/from your computer or on your network. Unlike other products, it can analyze the data packets (where they come from, where they go, which port and protocol they use). This makes it possible to distinguish between local and internet Traffic for example. BWMeter can also be used for Traffic control by setting a speed limit for all kinds of connections or restricting access to certain internet sites. It creates statistics for all computers in your network, measuring and displaying all LAN Traffic as well as download / upload from the internet.

File size: 34.3 MB
Automatic Email Processor is the complete solution for Outlook to store and print incoming emails and their attachments automatically. For this, various filters, flexible configuration options, such as individually definable storage folders and the possibility of subsequent processing are available. For example, the path of the location where you want Automatic Email Processor to save certain emails or email attachments, can be assembled dynamically from individual properties of an email.

Cloud Academy - How to Install and Run Wordpress on AWS-STM
English | Size: 886.24 MB
Category: Tutorial
WordPress is an open source CMS originally built as a web publishing platform, quickly becoming a de-facto standard for blogs. Thanks to its huge third-party plugin ecosystem WordPress has been adopted for use many different situations never imagined by its creators, including dynamic websites, e-commerce platforms, and online newspapers. It's a terrific software package with a huge user base, but getting the most out of it can be tricky

File Size: 6.45 MB
WinTools.net is a suite of tools for increasing MS Windows operating system performance. WinTools.net cleanly removes unwanted software from disk drives and dead references from the MS Windows registry. WinTools.net puts you in control of the Windows startup process, memory monitoring and gives you the power to customize desktop and system settings to fit your needs. Adds more speed and stability for your connection.

File Size: 167.2 MB
Remote Desktop Manager is a small apgfplication used to manage all your remote connections and virtual machines. Add, edit, delete, shared, organize and find your remote connection quickly. Compatible with Microsoft Remote Desktop, Termfinal Services, VNC, LogMeIn, Team Viewer, Ftp, SSH, Telnet, Dameware, X Window, VMware, Virtual PC, PC Anywhere, Hyper-V, Citrix, Radmin, Microsoft Remote Assistance, Sun Virtual Box and more.

CG Circuit - Houdini Tree Rig With Vellum Leaves
English | Size: 444.6MB
Category: Tutorial
A very basic and easy way to simulate a tree what is made in speedtree. The tutorial contains how to prepare the tree for the simulation, how to build and add a custom wind force, and how to turn the leaves into vellum.

Dynamite - Red Sonja Tarzan 2019 Comic Retail eBook-BitBook
English | Size: 763.09 MB
Category: E-books
Eson Duul is an evil man. The mere mention of his name makes powerful quak: with fear. He has no regard for life, including that of man. But he may: finally have met his match when he finds himself up against Red Sonja and: Tarzan! Gail Simone (Birds of Prey, Red Sonja) and Walter Geovani (Red: Sonja, Clean Room) reunite to bring us the crossover event featuring two o: fiction's greatest heroes side by side at last!: `:: Looking for suppliers of quality Ebooks in any language!

x64 | File Size: 2.64 GB
Zero in on relevant evidence quickly, conduct faster searches and dramatically increase analysis speed with FTK®, the purpose-built solution that interoperates with mobile device and e-discovery technology. Powerful and proven, FTK processes and indexes data upfront, eliminating wasted time waiting for searches to execute. No matter how many different data sources you're dealing with or the amount of data you have to cull through, FTK gets you there quicker and better than anything else.

Skylines Academy - Microsoft AZ-500 Certification- Azure Security Technologies
English | Size: 1.62 GB
Category: Cloud-Comp | Microsoft | Networking | Security
Instructors: Nick Colyer, Dwayne Natwick
Manage identities, provide role-based access, and secure data within an Azure ecosystem!
Properly securing resources while making them available to users that require access is a constant concern within an IT and cloud environment. This course will explore how to manage identities, provide role-based access, and secure data within an Azure ecosystem.