Bentley CivilStorm CONNECT Edition v10.02.03.03 (x64) | 886 MB
CivilStorm is a fully dynamic, multi-platform, hydraulic modeling application developed for the analysis of complex stormwater systems. Engineers can analyze these systems using built-in hydraulic and hydrology capabilities and a variety of wet-weather calibration methods. From stormwater master plan development to water quality studies, CivilStorm provides an easy-to-use environment for engineers to analyze, design, and operate stormwater systems.

Language: Multilingual | File size: 24 MB
Deliveries helps you keep track of all your packages, so you always know when they're going to arrive.

File Size : 28.6 Mb
Tixati is a peer-to-peer file sharing program that uses the popular BitTorrent protocol.

File Size : 11 Mb
Freegate is an anti-censorship software for secure and fast Internet access.

File Size : 1.4 Mb
Debotnet is a free and portable tool for controlling Windows 10's many privacy-related settings and keep your personal data private.

Intel Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition 2019 Update 5 x64 | 3.56 GB
Intel Parallel Studio - a suite of development of the productive, often parallelized software developed by Intel and combines the C / C ++ compiler, Fortran compiler, various libraries, profiling tools, and more.

Multilingual | File size: 44.6 MB
Total CSV Converter is a reliable tool for converting CSV and TSV files to DOC, PDF, HTML, TXT, XLS, DBF, XML, JSON and a variety of OpenOffice formats.

File size: 26 MB
CATraxx is a powerful music collector database program for Windows which will help you catalog a music collection of any kind, from vinyl records to CDs to MP3s.

BBC True North - Soul Singers (2020)
English | Size: 536 MB
Category: Documentary
Soul Singers follows the journey of members of the Belfast Community Gospel Choir as they prepare for their annual winter concert.